Sometimes History is repeated twice: first like tragedy, second like farce (Karl Marx the Eighteen Brumario)
The phrase of epígrafe has been reiterated in muchísmas occasions, but almost other is not possible to evoke the embarrassing events of the Villa of San Vicente. That sainete which we have seen retrasmitido by the channels of the news is the Peronism, the political class (incluída opposition), and the union bureaucracy of nowadays, that they have to leave to walk a corpse, because despite his already prolonged sobrelife, they are they themselves a corpse long ago, if we confronted what historically they promised to be with which indeed they are. It did not lack anything of everything almost what in repugnant form it has contaminated to the Argentine popular movement, and lacked everything what yes is worth the trouble to be remembered. Why: Simply because for a long time this union bureaucracy has accompanied the permanent deterioration by the conditions of life of the population, the permanent treason of represented his, the passage of a country with 4% from leisure to another one with leisure of two digits, the one of an index of poverty of 6% to which it involves half of the population, and the delivery of the national patrimony, all it to the shout of Perón, Perón, and with union leaders which they show an inexplicable standard of life, worthy of millionaires. The Moyano companion (and not only Moyano but all), raised the roof when "Banelco" financed law flexibilizer of relations labor during government radical (protest which from already she was correct), nevertheless did not investigate how many "Banelco" existed from law 24 013 in ahead disassembling in short time all the labor rights that the workers had obtained during the first Peronism. The protests anti menemistas of Moyano were spaced and symbolic, nor that to speak of union Cavalieri or others jerarcas during that period, and its absolute complacencia yet, complacencia that or had exercised during the military dictatorship. That nonsense could not then finish of another way all, or at least of another way that not outside lamentable. The grotesco is completed with other condimentos like the interventions of Comfortable Marta, the presumed daughter of Perón, and dislates mediatic. Within this last heading it deserves to stand out the performance of Julio Bazán, the cronista kamikaze of Tn and Canal 13, that is not perhaps the heir of Perón, but if it is it surely of Jose de Zer. To the morning in front of the building of the C.G.T., Bazán outlined a panegírico of jerarcas union, remembering Jose Rucci, that gremial leader who outside assassinated, thinks that by a Montonero commando, (what from no longer he is vindicateable), forgetting, as many seem to forget, the suspicions that weigh on Rucci, respect to their participation in the slaughter of Ezeiza, that one luctuoso fact of thirty ago and three years, that by anything were not compared with the shame which we are commenting in diverse means, although this last one has luckily not had the same terrible consequences that the previous one, in which it does to human lives. In the evening Bazán, when relating the violence facts, repeated: "this is surrealista", forgetting perhaps that as much he as other colleagues his are in their matter which Buñuel went to the cinema, Dalí to the painting, and Bretón and Aragón to Literature. Periplo of the journalist of the Fratticelli case concluded to the night with the Villa of San Vicente in silence and affirming that "General Perón finally rests peacefully". Comfortable Martha, meanwhile, demands its connection respect to Ex- President Perón, fact that obivamente is important, to involve the historical personality that it involves, but that does not stop being a private fact. For that reason same it is pathetic which Antonio Cafiero insists on denying all possible paternity of Perón respect to Comfortable, confusing the succession ab intestato that will have to be transacted if the reclamation of this last one is favorable, with the political inheritance of the old caudillo, who by the sight yesterday, seems at least widely to be squandered. It was not the only delirium of the old leader in the last days: All the country vió to diminish the events of the villa of San Vicente when asking "Perhaps was some dead", or to remember to Darwin Passaponti, dead for 61 years during the 17 of October of the 45, or to respond to the journalist who interrogated it about the happened thing to a sharp one: Not me gorilee. The President separates from the scandal, as it is logical, but forgets that he had given ok to the necrofílico act polìtico- him that gave sustenance him, and that those that was there were not another thing that its allies. The official voices complete the silly thing that begin to weave the theory of the "plot", theory also sustained by Moyano, to that nobody doubt that along with Gerald Martinez, and the "Leg" Medina, subordinate of this last one, is one of the two parts of the conflict. Also the opposition gave the note: As much Lopez Murphy, Elisa Carrió, like Stolbitzer Daisy, aims at the responsibilities from the point of view of the "security". They question that this is into the hands of "assault groups", which is correct, but slyly enter in a discussion that solely points at who must repress, which projects obvious to the social conflict, and not only to facts like the one of yesterday, forgetting that facts of this nature in the innumerable amount of route cuts have not been verified that have been in the last years, except for when exactly the "Forces of Security" took part. In short, the subject gives for much but, but returning to the book of Marx from whom it is taken the phrase from epígrafe some additional reflections can be aimed: In that book, "the 18 Brumario", Marx talked about to the blow given by Luis Bonaparte who finally crowns itself like Napoleón III autoproponiendo itself like successor of his uncle Napoleón Bonaparte. Marx emphasized the paper of lúmpenes who had served to him to Bonaparte like striking power, and the nephew of the uncle called contemptuously "". The Argentine policy is full of "nephews of the uncle", "children of", "spouses of", "lovers", and lúmpenes as we saw yesterday, arranged to fight itself in one internal polìtica, one internal union one, or a field of soccer. The society, all we, did not stop being responsible for the leadership who we have, although as a whole we slightly pruned to be better than they. They appeal to simbologìa of years 50, or about years 70, according to the case, but she is empty operations, simple operations of electoral marketing, that sometimes derive in that somebody happens to the act as in the case of Jorge Julio Lopez, or the happened thing in San Vicente. But they are pure emptiness, that is only one fight to administer the country of 50% of poverty, or the leisure of two digits, and of the minorities treacherously enriched. It says the Peronist march: My General, Whichever Valés! Madness to try a "celebration" with a "corpse" and to fight themselves by the handle of the drawer seems to testify it with the miserable sense that it has the value for certain people. Taking another phrase from the same march Is this the "effective reality"? We must to Perón or to whom? This "effective reality" cannot perpetuarse.Está in us change it.
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